Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Florida Judge Grants Permission to Commit Crime

Seminole County, Florida
RE: “Crime Pass”
A complaint of alleged judicial misconduct against Judge Nancy F. Alley of Florida’s
Eighteenth Circuit Court (407 665-4330) has today been denied by Florida’s judiciary. The
judiciary’s suggestion for further redress will be investigated in an attempt to stop
pre-crime immunity before this new practice of criminal protection
becomes commonplace in our federal, state and local judicial systems.
As judges begin granting such passes to commit crime, our reliance upon laws and
prosecutors to protect society and deter criminal activity will vanish.
Prosecutors receive crucial testimony for granting post-crime immunity.
Judges may acquire undefined consideration for granting pre-crime immunity.
Judge Alley’s unprecedented and unauthorized Order creates a new road for illegal activity by granting absolute
permission to break any law in the first place (pre-crime). In contrast, pre-emptive immunity is described as an
Executive Order of immunity from investigation after an unlawful act has taken place so that the unlawful actor will
never see the light of prosecution. Pre-emptive immunity surrounded the recent Bush Administration. An
Executive Pardon excuses one's conduct after breaking a law and subsequent conviction. Judge Alley’s imaginative
creation of pre-crime absolution renders pre-emptive immunity and pardons obsolete.
To highlight the established procedure for gaining pre-crime immunity, follow the below contents of recently
discovered documents involving the guardianship of Louise A. Falvo (case# 2008-GA-0509): Judge Nancy Alley
received a written request from Professional Guardian Rebecca Fierle asking for:
“petitioner respectfully requests that the court’s order finds that the petitioner
is neither responsible for nor authorized to attempt to determine the true intentions
of the Ward regarding her estate plan, and absolves her of any responsibility or
liability either now or in the future”
It is a known violation of Florida’s guardianship law not to protect and preserve the property of a ward:
744.361 POWERS AND DUTIES OF GUARDIAN. -- (6)(a) Protect and pre se rve the property and invest it
prudently as provided in chapter 518, apply it as provided in s.744.397, and account for it faithfully.
Regardless, Judge Alley set aside the statute and ordered on June 11, 2008:
“REBECCA FIERLE, the Plenary Guardian of the Property and Person of the Ward,
   the alleged intentions or estate plan of the Ward”
Judge Nancy Alley has thrown a roadblock in front of criminal prosecutors and civil trial attorneys. Last summer’s
issuance of this nation’s first of its kind pre-absolution, an unprecedented privilege of absolute immunity from
prosecution before the commission of unlawful acts, provides court permission to a civilian to plan and execute
crime without threat of investigation or prosecution. This new type of judicial order will spread quickly and
dismantle the very fabric of rule of law. Blanket immunity from criminal and civil prosecution is also a blow to our
elderly population, many of whom are currently victims of unscrupulous professionals. Criminal enterprise will
benefit from judicial passes of immunity from existing laws and will flaunt their absolute immunity from criminal
and civil liability.
By: The Friends Of Louise A. Falvo
Visit for Contact Information pertinent parts underlined for emphasis

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